

ACCESS FLOOR atau juga dikenal dengan nama RAISED FLOOR dibutuhkan untuk aplikasi khususnya ruang Data Center, Server Room ataupun ruang DRC.

UNIFLAIR, Spa dengan pabrik modern nya yang berada di Italy memproduksi Raised Floor dengan kwalitas serta memiliki kekuatan yang sangat prima sehingga menjadikan Raised Floor Uniflair saat ini dipercaya oleh berbagai perusahaan internasional dan juga multi nasional serta perusahaan lokal diberbagai kebutuhan mereka.

Saat ini dipasaran dapat ditemukan 3 jenis Raised Floor, mulai dari bahan dan kwalititas serta kemampuan menahan api tinggi sampai dengan material yang tidak memiliki fire rated sama sekali.

Untuk jenis terbaik dan sangat tepat digunakan diruang Data Center / Server Room adalah Raised Floor dengan material yang terbuat dari Calcium Sulphate, dimana jenis ini mampu menahan api (fire rated) sampai dengan 60 menit.

Dibawah kelas tertinggi ini, terdapat Raised Floor dengan material Wooden Core, dimana inert material nya memang dari serbuk potongan kayu yang dicampur dengan lem khusus kemudian di-press dengan tekanan tinggi sehingga menghasilkan kekuatan yang sangat tinggi.

Untuk jenis RF dengan inert material Wooden ini, memiliki fire rated separuh dari fire rated yang dimiliki oleh RF jenis Calcium Sulphate. Akan tetapi, jenis wooden core ini jauh lebih baik dari jenis RF terakhir, yaitu Steel Cementitious.

Pada foto diatas terlihat tampak potongan ketiga jenis RF tersebut diatas. Paling atas adalah jenis RF dengan material Wooden Core, kemudian Calcium Sulphate ditengah dan paling bawah adalah Steel Cementitious.

Terlihat pada jenis terakhir tersebut adanya material metal (besi) yang saling terhubung pada bagian paling atas sampai kebagian bawah yang membentuk bulatan seperti wadah telor.
Jika terjadi kebakaran (api) pada bagian bawah RF jenis ini, maka panas akan langsung merambat kebagian atas RF dan akibat hal ini adalah kita tidak dapat menginjak lantai RF, baik dengan alas kaki (sol sepatu atau karet sandal akan langsung meleleh) dan juga tanpa alas kaki.

Hal ini tentu saja akan sangat membahayakan bagi seseorang yang kebetulan berada didalam ruangan tersebut.

Data Center Planning and Pre-Design Consulting Services

Network downtime means lost revenue and lost jobs
Imagine a scenario where you are coming under fire because your data center project is over budget and months late.
Even worse, your management team pushed you to accept the architects idea of your computer room that today wont even deliver the most basic needs - enough space, adequate security & fire protection, ampere power, and sufficient cooling.

Now picture a different scenario. But this time, you have earned the respect and appreciation of your company by having properly planned, designed, and delivered an always available data center project. Within scope. On time. And within budget.

What makes the difference in these two scenarios? With Teracom, when your management team came to you expecting you to provide the new computer rooms power and cooling requirements, you had a data center design expert you turned to - an expert who had your best interests in mind. An expert who understood the obstacles in providing constant network availability, translated how future IT services impacted the critical load, and conceptualized how the resulting supporting infrastructure impacted the budget.

A Good Plan Pays for Itself
We know its your job to deliver on managements expectations of always available network services. Further, we know that you cant be accomplished that without a room and supporting infrastructure equal to the task.
Teracom's data center planning, and pre-design, consulting services ensure your company gets the always available data center it requires from the start.

* Clear project cost guidance as it relates to the overall availability expectation
* Accurate existing equipment & conceptual IT services critical load profiling
* Expert understanding of data center design standard, and not-so-standard, practices.

A good plan is the key to delivering a successful project. And a good project manager prevents as many things from going wrong as possible by using that plan.

At Teracom, were in the planning business along with you.

Cost Versus Availability
Everyone wants a 7x24x365 environment. However, the impact of delivering that kind of performance is far-reaching. Availability is more than the reliability of components used and the redundancy by which they are configured. Systems must be concurrently maintainable as well. This means that as absolutely necessary periodic maintenance is performed, systems must be able to be completely brought off-line without impacting the load.

Not surprisingly, the greater the availability expectation, the greater the cost.

We helps you:
* Determine the availability that is appropriate.
* Estimate potential costs at that risk level.

Accurate Critical Load Profiling
Most architects and consulting engineers rely on their IT staff to provide space as well as equipment load requirements to determine the required facility infrastructure. We translates IT equipment details directly into power, cooling, and space requirements for the facility. We have found that equipment nameplate or manufacturer specifications are insufficient in many cases and we have compiled our own techniques for such purposes.

Additionally, Teracom has the project experience necessary to provide accurate load profiles and their facility infrastructure impact from conceptual IT initiatives and services without detailed equipment lists. This includes the impact due to technology refresh initiatives such as blade server deployment, equipment compaction, and more.

Standard and Not-so-Standard Practices
Teracom has developed a detailed set of design standards by which your data center availability can be accurately predicted. We understand the obstacles facing uninterrupted data center operations. And we know how to design and implement the solutions to mitigate them. (Many architects and consulting engineers are not fully aware of the latest high density cooling trends and techniques, and the impact they have on facility infrastructure.)

Save Money, Save Time Save Your Data Center
Our Company is uniquely qualified to help businesses assess their data center and support infrastructure risks, provide recommendations for improvement and offer accurate project cost estimating and guidance throughout implementation.

Please contact us and tell us about your project. Give us the opportunity and well provide you with the justification you need to convince your management to take the next step.

Please contact us for more information regarding Data Center Solutions at phone number +62812 105 7238 or by email : budi@teracom.co.id